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2023-01-12[14:24:53] <apteryx> it seems the former exists only to massage inputs in the different input bins?
2022-10-23[23:16:46] <vagrantc> another poem, courtesy of debian's lintian tool and a small bit of manual massaging:
2022-08-22[15:07:37] <efraim> but it needs more massaging for that?
2022-08-21[17:23:47] <mrvdb> thanks, the knowledge on which VAR too massage is a sufficient workaround for me right now.
2022-08-06[00:50:25] <Cairn> Whoa, there's a massage emoji now?
2022-07-12[22:45:07] <mlan> roptat, or I made a mistake installing guix startup? effect have error massage
2022-03-09[18:44:49] <acrow> forhizome: .bashrc and .bash_profile are linked from the store where guix home placed them after some massaging. You are suggesting that bash is started wo any initialization script?
2022-01-27[04:29:06] <eonn> Nevermind, I found these tools under the profile, so I just need to massage the configure script.
2021-12-30[00:08:41] <nckx> Does anyone else get text encoding artefacts in the first result for <>?
2021-11-23[18:00:13] <rekado_> I’ve been through this with an AppImage, which is one of the better starting positions — it’s still a lot of work as all of the tooling Guix provides is for the source->binary step and nothing exists for massaging binaries.
2021-09-20[19:07:07] <dstolfa> my understanding is that the main init will remain shepherd, as given time, it's fairly easy to massage it into being much more robust and supporting the commonly requested things. shepherd is *extremely* simple and the codebase is small. but that doesn't mean we couldn't have different backends :)
2021-08-31[18:21:14] <lfam> The reason I worked on Go for a while is that I wanted us to have a Syncthing package. I did a ton of work unbundling the dependencies, massaging their custom build.go, and landing the go-build-system, but now we are just using the bundled depenencies. They are all free software of course, so it's basically fine although not idiomatic for Giux
2021-07-07[18:59:09] <apteryx> reading, it seems non-trivial to fix. It requires people copying their system gl libs somewhere else, massaging their rpath, and adding these modified versions to their LD_LIBRARY_PATH (IIUC).
2021-06-25[09:28:49] <efraim> last night I massaged guix.vim to handle :Guix with some command parsing, so ':Guix build foo' works and I suspect most other ':Guix <something> foo' should work
2021-05-17[23:00:17] <apteryx> guile + guile-gcrypt, and then the needs to be massaged a bit it seems
2020-07-05[16:38:38] <efraim> I feel like perl is mature enough that most version bumps just work, python always seems to need some massaging to get everything working again
2020-06-28[15:54:15] <NieDzejkob> cacsr: profiles managed imperatively aren't really reproducible. You can't really do better than guix package -I and massaging the list of names into a scheme file
2020-06-19[16:17:04] <jlicht> civodul: it worked! Although I had to do some data-massaging, as profile-search-paths already called evaluate-search-paths, as does set-search-paths
2020-04-14[01:57:53] <Blackbeard> why do I keep getting the massage that source files are newer than compiled .go files, when I just cleaned and ran make
2020-03-19[16:19:04] <mbakke> agh, I'm unable to build a package with GCC6 on core-updates, no matter how I massage CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH and friends
2020-01-30[02:35:53] <lfam> Well, this graph from my example is very overwhelming. It would be worthwhile learning how to massage the style of the drawing produced by dot
2019-11-25[14:58:04] <efraim> the /dependency API gives version numbers, I should be able to massage that
2019-10-02[12:01:41] <efraim> efl update needs a bunch of massaging, they switched from autotools to meson
2019-07-06[16:24:39] <jlicht> rekado: perhaps you could massage the output of the tlpdb parser so that you can at least do this programmatically?
2017-11-05[12:07:52] <janneke> i did massage dkg/infinity0's build-path-prefix-map patch for guix and that brings the diff for bin/gcc down to 7 smallish chunks
2017-04-07[18:22:11] <bavier> but they are hand-massaged
2016-12-12[23:31:04] <joshuaBPMan_> Hello, I'm currently unable to log into gnome as my normal root user. I'm dual booting. I'm trying to figure out where to read log massages. GuixSD uses syslog right?
2016-05-19[06:13:57] <yoosty> I've finally written up some notes on installing and getting started with GuixSD, I'd like to massage it in to some form of newbie guide for GuixSD.. how might I start down that path?
2016-01-27[03:19:26] <lfam> Like what? The glib package already has a few tests disabled or "massaged".
2015-12-10[19:09:51] <davexunit> Digit: provided the build system doesn't need much massaging, it looks like you're on the right track!
2015-11-24[00:47:39] <fps> ok, so let's try to massage it into ouputting the names one on each line
2015-10-14[15:38:47] <toothbrush0> um, i'm not sure; it sounds like a Lot Of Work, since i've been massaging packages till stuff works
2015-06-09[16:02:04] <rekado_> I would not mind maintaining a clone on Github to screen pull requests and massage them into nice patch sets.
2023-03-04[17:22:37] <mirai> its up for texinfo to massage the text into the appropriate outputs
2023-03-31[22:08:19] <RavenJoad> Whether or not the package does that may require some massaging of inputs. The stumpwm-with-slynk package needs to set dependencies and dependency-prefixes manually, so perhaps investigate stuff like that?
2023-04-25[13:40:28] <rekado> attila_lendvai: beautify-description was written for the cran importer. The importer gets some garbage, and beautify-description massages it.
2024-01-05[00:15:32] <jdlugosz963> Here is a photo with an error massage:
2024-04-03[19:51:29] <apteryx> it basically runs a tiny C program to massage the data files.
2024-04-16[22:15:43] <futurile> Q: the package I'm testing says that there are 100 dependent packages, is there some magic way to rebuild all of those? (right now I'm just trying to massage them into a manifest)
2024-04-16[22:27:32] <vagrantc> what is really frustrating is somtimes the output has to be massaged.