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<cwebber>RussetParrotBear: if you name vats when you make them the name is shown <cwebber>Otherwise it's the less helpful integer <cwebber>But I am not at my computer proper right now so I can't look <cwebber>fr33domlover: Hi! Returning a promise is fine! <cwebber>A promise which resolves to a promise will take on the value of the promise it resolves to when the answer becomes available <cwebber>Would be better with an example but I am booping my phone from bed :) <cwebber>Oh I am glad you liked the Scheme Primer RussetParrotBear ! <cwebber>And good feedback. It would be nice if we could get better generated output because the PDF is generated from an export of org-mode odt <cwebber>And those are autogenerated with a script <cwebber>But hm. I am not sure the scheme primer is <cwebber>But you should maybe look at the spritely-papers which *is* automated <cwebber>Good morning! Or should I say TZAG! (Time Zone Appropriate Greetings) <jfred>I wonder if there was some weird partial netsplit going on last night... I feel like I'm only seeing half of the conversation above! <jfred>it feels like there must be missing messages from fr33domlover and RussetParrotBear that I'm not seeing in my client/in the logs <cwebber>But somehow I hadn't looked at them until now <dthompson>yeah those messages were older and I responded to them as well ;) <jfred>oh! much older, I just hadn't looked that far back in the logs XD <wizard>dthompson: i shaved 500 lines of recursive packaging yak on trial yesterday but i still cant get it to build haha <dthompson>is the issue that there's just a ton more dependencies or are there more annoying problems? <wizard>i genuinely am not very sure what the problem is <wizard>something to do with pathname-utils <wizard>not having a method in it that's needed <wizard>i tried overriding that dependency with a newer version of it gives me the same missing symbol error <Jardie>Yes, maybe joined once before but there wasn't much activity. Joined after seeing a toot. <Jardie>I must admit I find it a bit hard to understand what the project does/is for/is about. <dthompson>we hear that. we intend to improve our messaging in this regard now that we're starting to produce usable libraries and stuff. <dthompson>in a nutshell: building secure, distributed, peer-to-peer applications is too difficult, at present. spritely is building the tools that make it easy. <dthompson>the emphasis on peer-to-peer communication is in an effort to re-decentralize the web and give people more agency in their digital lives <Jardie>Can't deny distributed systems are difficult either. <dthompson>as a developer using spritely's libraries, the goal is that you'd get to focus mainly on your "business logic", the objects in your app and their interactions, rather than the details of networking protocols. <dpk>cwebber: why did you add ‘Topic for #spritely:’ to the start of the channel topic? :-/ <cwebber>And I copied and pasted from my ERC logs <dpk>i think Libera really was doing some weird shit last night <cwebber>Oh well I guess it was ERc being goofy then <oats>cwebber: howdy! I also saw your toot (: <oats>I'm a budding lisper, written number of small personal projects and tools using fennel, which I love. Was curious to see what goes on around here! <jfred>oh I love the new #:self keyword, that's a nice UX improvement <jfred>and I definitely need to start poking at the persistence stuff now <dthompson>we need people to kick the tires for sure :) <dthompson>tsyesika has made a loooot of improvements but I'm sure there's more work to do! <cwebber>contributions welcome, and of course usage of our tools strongly celebrated :) <dthompson>*I* need to really use the persistence system, too ;) <cwebber>we really need gc'ing of vats in guile-goblins like we have in racket <jfred>I guess "all over the place" is overstating it; it's one per user <jfred>but I think I did need the multi-vat persistence stuff to make persistence work here <dthompson>higher-order vats scare me a bit but it makes sense :) <cwebber>dthompson: you're just afraid tsyesika is going to turn our programs into one-actor-per-vat ;) <jfred>The thing I really need to figure out that I've never gotten good at is UI programming. I've been wanting to build some sort of interface for the Horton stuff to get started and I've looked at the guile-ncurses manual but it feels kinda intimidating ^^; <jfred>There's g-golf for gtk but I had some trouble getting that going on Guix; need to try again though since I think the issue I was having may have been fixed? <cwebber>Spritely's answers to UIs needs to be solved soon yeah :)