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<damo22>welcome drakonis and p4r4D0xum
<damo22>Pellescours: oh good youre here too
<damo22>how did you go with in rump?
*damo22 needs coffee
<p4r4D0xum>damo22: rump, goodies. :D
<damo22>yeah we have a rump disk driver working but we need to help upstream netbsd with rump integration into their build scripts
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<damo22>welcome dodobrain
<dodobrain>i'm somewhat busy at the moment, but can you give me a quick 1 or 2 min description of hurd's microkernel cmopared to say the one in minix ?
<damo22>thats a good question, i am not very familiar with minix but i have been recommended to read about it
<damo22>gnumach kernel is supposed to be a microkernel that manages memory and provides a message bus, and nothing more
<damo22>perhaps some access control mechanism
<damo22>as well
<damo22>but currently it also has drivers baked in so we can run it on hardware
<damo22>these are to be removed
<damo22>and replaced with userspace drivers
<damo22>dodobrain: hope that helps
<dodobrain>a little bit, i'll have a read about mach later on at night
***jrtc27_ is now known as jrtc27
***klys is now known as klysm
<LarstiQ>is there a volunteer to take over the logging? Besides good memories that's basically what I have left of #hurd
<LarstiQ>now would be a good time to change the guard
<damo22>the keymaster or whatever?
***pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
<LarstiQ>damo22: no, just as in the idiom "changing of the guard"
<LarstiQ>handling over responsibility
<p4r4D0xum>damo22: Viva la revolution!
<Gooberpatrol66>LarstiQ: isn't the logging automatic? how much manual intervention does it need?
<LarstiQ>Gooberpatrol66: mostly, yeah. Except I need to bring stuff up again occassionaly. I'm not involved anymore, so I'd like to pass this on.
<rekado>I can add bayfront-log to #hurd and provide the logs on
<LarstiQ>rekado: works for me
<rekado>new logs are now here:
<rekado>I guess we could download the old logs and reformat them, so that they can be displayed there as well.
<rekado>I just added a copy of my logs there.
<ThinkT510>neato, time for a topic update
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***youpi changes topic to ' | channel logs: | FAQ: or | Want to help? | disk image: | installer image: | related: #archhurd, #hurdf'
***youpi changes topic to ' | channel logs: | FAQ: or | Want to help? | disk image: | installer image: | related: #archhurd, #hurdf'
<drakonis>so, i'm fiddling with hurd on guix and trying to figure out what i can do with it
<Pellescours>hello damo22
<Pellescours>I didn’t made progress and I don’t think I’ll have time to work on it in the next 2 weeks :)
<ThinkT510>would be nice if archhurd became active again
<z3ntu>#archhurd is also on now :)
<Pellescours>ThinkT510: yeah it would, but I don’t know if anyone is working on it :’(
<rekado>ever since we got the first Hurd VM on Guix (and a childhurd service) I wondered: how exactly are we supposed to keep things up to date?
<rekado>IIUC releases are effectively whatever package variant is pushed to Debian
<ThinkT510>Pellescours: not since 2019 it seems
<SlySven>what timezone is the new logs being done in - it doesn't look like UTC as the message "so, i'm fiddling with hurd on guix and trying to figure out what i can do with it" is logged at 20:48:17 on the old logs and (by hovering over the user id for the text on the new one I can see the Kiwi + web-browser displaying a URL:
<SlySven> which looks to be two hours different...
<ThinkT510>I've never really given guix a go. Maybe I should get a guix hurd VM.
<rekado>SlySven: it’s probably my time zone
<SlySven>Thing is - that may mess with the slicing up into days - if mid-night is 2 hours out.