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<jas>hi! guile-gnutls has used guile-snarf from the guile-devel package, but on fedora 40 it exists but seems gone in fedora 41. any pointers how to find guile-snarf in fedora 41? <mwette>maybe guile-dev package? -- used to be that way on debian <k4r4b3y>I don't have the full channel history <k4r4b3y>and I have it already installed in my system <dsmith>k4r4b3y, It was probably for jas. (There are logs as noted in the /topic, if you missed something) <mwette>k4r4b3y: to jas, who asked about finding guile, but he already has guile-devel, so my bad <dsmith>k4r4b3y, I tend to avoid using Debian packaged emacs el packages. There are things I'd like to use that are not Debian-packaged, and often depend on newer things that are in Debian. <k4r4b3y>dsmith: I understand that. However, I keep my external emacs package use to a minimum and try to use 1. built-in emacs functionalities, OR, 2. the emacs packages that are proviided by debian stable <k4r4b3y>these two are quite enough for my emacs usecases <k4r4b3y>also, using debian packaged emacs packages work better with QubesOS debian templates.