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<stikonas>asm( statement doesnt' even close function bracket ... <lrvick>Can hex0 not run without a shell? <lrvick>Calling hex0 with an exec and it just hangs. Calling it from a shell and it works <lrvick>Hangs: RUN ["/hex0","/stage0-posix-x86-a15adc72f099506fb0d40c8824d7aaa97735f7c3/hex0_x86.hex0","hex0"] <lrvick>However this works: RUN /hex0 /stage0-posix-x86-a15adc72f099506fb0d40c8824d7aaa97735f7c3/hex0_x86.hex0 hex0 <lrvick>The former uses an exec, the latter uses /bin/sh as a shell <rkeene>stikkonas, Oops -- I think it was a merge error when cherry-picking <lrvick>Guessing I actually do need kaem minimal... <lrvick>ah needed to name my script kaem.x86. things are cooking now <nimaje>lrvick: would the first one basically be execl("/hex0", "/stage0-posix-x86-a15adc72f099506fb0d40c8824d7aaa97735f7c3/hex0_x86.hex0", "hex0", NULL) or execl("/hex0", "/hex0", "/stage0-posix-x86-a15adc72f099506fb0d40c8824d7aaa97735f7c3/hex0_x86.hex0", "hex0", NULL) ? <matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> tbh I might get bored and instead try to port chibicc to a simplified dialect of C and then use that to build tcc. <matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> I'll reboot the bridge later this evening... <matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> Hopefully that will fix sync from irc to matrix <aggi>i'll try something else next, because i do want nilfs2 and 64bit timestamp filesystem support, and that's not easy to backport into linux-2.4 <aggi>tinycc-compilation/linking of some linux-2.6 series kernel <aggi>i refrained from this for a simple reason, that was linux-2.4 is much less lines of code in total than 2.6 got <aggi>concerning this fiwix would be ideal, 50K LoC with it, linux-2.4 got 4million LoC, linux-2.6 got 8million <aggi>not sure yet, digging into nilfs2 and kernel api revealed a significant increase in complexity at the filesystem/page-cache/block-layer with linux-2.6 series <matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> How much of those 8Mloc of lines in Linux 2.6 are drivers? Presumably the core of the kernel is much smaller? <aggi>of cause, nonetheless the trend is undeniable, and it's a huge gap between a sane kernel such as fiwix and any linux-2.x <aggi>besides drivers the filesystem stuff is scary, in particular the transition for ext2/3/4 etc. etc. <aggi>i am thinking of another option, to introduce a 64bit timestamp variant of ext2 filesystem, and labeling this ext2x or something, which isn't compatible with regular ext2 <aggi>i'll finalizxe the linux-2.4/musl-libc/500ebuilds stuff, it's working; and there's enough cleanup tasks remaining before thinking about a year2038 filesystem <aggi>it's just i did wanted to fully migrate my development host onto the tinycc/linux-2.4 system myself soon, for extensive testing; and i formatted all my disks with nilfs2 <aggi>i had written a tiny segment verification utility for nilfs, that greatly increased confidence into what's stored on flash memory <aggi>if i move my stuff onto any other filesystem that fiwix/linux2 got, i'll loose that <aggi>nilfs2 is a killer feature for linux kernel <aggi>now i remember: linux-2.6 compilation required some generated files produced from gcc -S, which complicated the whole approach with tinycc (or any other alternative toolchain) <aggi>if i want 64bit nilfs2 back on board, i have to cope with any complexity added by linux-2.6 series, or have to live with what i got for linux-2.4 <aggi>nilfs2 was great for forensics too, because correctly administered it can prevent some secretly hidden filesyste i/o (otherwise i had not noticed there was some with some linux-5.x kernel) <aggi>moving towards linux-2.6 has some other bad taste and smell attached, that was the DirtyCoW one which i've not forgotten <mid-kid>made the mistake of deleting my distfiles directory again... <mid-kid>Can't get flex-2.5.11, flex-2.5.33 and gc-8.0.4 <mid-kid>Managed to obtain gc-8.0.4, now flex... <mid-kid>(both of the above checksums match btw) <nimaje>lrvick: well, I should have asked what argv[0] is, instead of assuming (wrong) what execl does, because I throught it would be easier to write the question that way, argv[0] should normally be the program name and is probably the easiest to get wrong when using the exec family of functions <rkeene>lrvick, I'll take a look tonight