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<GoogulatorMobile>Really, FSF?!
<GoogulatorMobile>This is just... childish!
<GoogulatorMobile>That's the kernel Guix built for the bootstrapped install image. I didn't alter that massive framebuffer logo in any way.
<oriansj>Googulator: well no one claimed the FSF was a bunch of graphic design majors. Bad art is kinda expected from a group of programmers.
<clemens3>the artists who did the early apple icons also made the early windows 95 icons
<clemens3>go figure
<clemens3>in hindsight, windows 95 user interface was not so bad
<clemens3>even already back hand i hated everything microsucks
<matrix_bridge><cosinusoidally> I agree, it seems a bit petty. I don't think the designer of that logo realise how that looks. To me that logo looks like tux is just there to scrub GNU's back.
<fossy>GoogulatorMobile: LOL
<fossy>Who approved that
<katia>u g l y
<fossy>it's just .. horrible design if nothing else
<fossy>excessive shadows, too much text, too many logos within the logo, why the heck are the circles in the % got other little graphics on them
<fossy>Painful to look at
<GoogulatorMobile>And the cherry on top: it *locks up* at that screen
<fossy>and why is it in triplicate
<GoogulatorMobile>Quad-core system, but no space to render the 4th one
<fossy>is that a normal Linux kernel thing
<FireFly>uusally its tuxes thugh
<fossy>tbh i haven't booted a kernel with the tux logo enabled for a very long time
<GoogulatorMobile>Regular Linux renders 4 Tuxes on the same system
<fossy>or, at least a kernel where i see the tux logo on any regularity
<GoogulatorMobile>LB kernel shows tuxes too if it can detect the framebuffer properly
<fossy>yeah i was gonna say i suspect LB does but i don't run bare metal enough to remember
<FireFly>but yeah, that graphic is.. a choice heh
<GoogulatorMobile>But, not only is it atrociously ugly and also rather offensive to the Linux kernel dev community - it also _doesn't work_
<GoogulatorMobile>& I did run a linux-libre kernel in this exact board before (the LB 4.9.10 one), it worked, except for the 2 Realtek NICs (wired & wireless)
<GoogulatorMobile>So it's not even due to hardware that requires a blob to work
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> fossy, GoogulatorMobile by the way, why do we have so many nested kaems?
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> Maybe we should use exec a bit more there
<matrix_bridge><Andrius Štikonas> exec is not supported in hex handwritten minimal kaem but works in C version of kaem