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<dckc>"The tls-private-key and tls-certificate arguments specify the X.509 private key and certificate to use for encrypting inbound connections with TLS. If one or both are unspecified, they will be automatically generated". I don't see how to generate one without using ambient authority. <dckc>This was something that has bugged me since I got to Agoric: not using ocaps all the way down. sigh. <dckc>at least in this case, the caller can _avoid_ the use of ambient authority <dckc>"The designator-key is the private key used to authenticate the designator used within the peer location" hm. I'm not sure how to read that. Examples would be nice <dckc>is there a release blog item that talks about websockets? hm. <dckc>what's spawn-mycapn ? which module does it come from? I can't tell from reading this example <jfred>dckc: that's from (goblins ocapn captp) <dckc>I'm hunting for my notes on how to get set up with geiser.... <dckc>peeked at which source? did you grep all of goblins? <dckc>I don't know that I'll ever get over the lack of "follow your nose" in scheme code <dckc>I think explicitly qualified imports are allowed. I'd like to see them used more. At least in small examples like this one. <dckc>ah: guix shell emacs emacs-geiser-guile <jfred>in retrospect I think I had looked for it recently so I did have some idea of where it was, looked at the source to confirm - but my normal approach when I don't know is to grep the project, yeah <jfred>but I agree that it'd be nice if it was clearer where an imported function came from <jfred>#:prefix imports are nice, though less commonly used <dckc>this example seems to define a-nl etc, but I don't see any pk output <jfred>unfortunately no, I'm in a D&D session at the moment ^^; <dckc>I could use some watch-somebody-do-it time with scheme, I think. I think I found one guy with good videos not too long ago... <dckc>`guix pull -l` <- TIL. nice! <jfred>not all guile videos there but a lot of them are <dckc>yeah... "What's New in Emacs? (Feb 2025)" is stealing my attention :) <jfred>oh yeah the live streams are long haha <dckc>found a 15min one on `git reflog`. that's a reasonable time to shore up a gap in my education