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<jfred>so that's what motivated the item ownership stuff :) <jfred>but always excited to see more virtual world/chatroom stuff :D <theruran>how are virtual worlds different from MUDs? <jfred>I would say a MUD is a kind of virtual world. Maybe one of the most basic kinds <tsyesika>jfred: just read your persistence blog post :) it was a good read. Interesting idea of having other vats appear in the persistence graph, I haven't quite thought through all the implications of that <jfred>I'm sure there are lots of implications I haven't thought of, haha <tsyesika>yeah you'd have to have some mechanism of specifying the roots and making sure nothing else was spawning the vat too <tsyesika>not sure, but certainly fun to think about :) <jfred>usually it's in the context of "I want this other object to be somewhat independent of the object that's creating it" <jfred>I should probably try and persist-ify guile-horton at some point, see how much of a challenge that'll be haha <tsyesika>I should take more of a look at this project :) always enjoying reading some goblins code <jfred>all my goblins projects are very much in the prototype phase at this point ^^; <jfred>though in the case of guile-horton that's partly because the fancy persistence stuff didn't exist at the time :D and that's a little important to have for a horton implementation