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<civodul>hey! i’m getting: Uncaught (in promise) LinkError: import object field 'weak_ref_deref' is not a Function <dthompson>civodul: perhaps your reflect.js is out of date for hoot 0.6.0? <dthompson>(having to manually sync these files should be a thing of the past soon) <dthompson>weak_ref_deref is the name of a imported function in to the wasm module which is used by the hoot runtime. the error is saying in a somewhat confusing way that there's no function bound to that name <civodul>works better now, thanks dthompson :-) <civodul>i guess i could also have something in haunt.scm to copy them automatically <dthompson>gotta write the tool to auto-generate this stuff <dthompson>we're gonna have a little bundle generator at some point <jfred>Aha! It's taking a little bit for me to get used to the constraints/requirements of persistence but I think I'm starting to get it <jfred>Was confused as to why one of my objects seemingly wasn't getting rehydrated, but there are two vats involved here... an object in one vat was returning a reference to a newly spawned object, but *wasn't retaining a reference to the new object itself* <jfred>and I guess as a result the new object wasn't getting persisted <dthompson>tsyesika should be able to help with cross-vat persistence stuff <tsyesika>Heh yeah it has to be in the object graph on the vat which is persisting it <tsyesika>I actually haven’t run into this personally and hadn’t even considered it before <jfred>I'll just have to save it in a ghash or something on the one vat <jfred>but it had me scratching my head for a while haha <tsyesika>I’m excited that you’re playing around with it and getting a feel for it tho <tsyesika>I feel like a lot of the “how do you write persistent actors” and all the pitfalls you can run into are stuck in mine and Christine’s head. Ideally I write some blog posts or something to go over them <jfred>but for now I have to fake it a bit, haha <tsyesika>Mmm I’d love to hear your thoughts on that Dave :)