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<fr33domlover>o/ is there a more-or-less elegant goblins API for hooking external event sources into an actor? e.g. to have actors that respond to keyboard events or stdin lines? I recall some event loop API but can't see it now in Goblins docs TOC <fr33domlover>Thanks jfred! (Is there a simple demo of e.g. how the IO actor is used with a GUI?) <dckc>re SXML - JSX is pretty similar. It doesn't use the "string with escapes for code" approach. <dckc>I prefer html`<dfn>tagged template literals</dfn>` <dckc>re DIY router - "no framework necessary" but I see (request-method request). I'm pretty sure that's not standard scheme. <dckc>the hoot slide reminds me... I'm interested to use the guile compiler goodies to interpret and/or compile monte <dckc>color picker with propagators... ooh! ah! <dckc>"The future - sans POSIX" <- _that_ is the part that interests me more <dckc>the 60,000 line package lock files are a testament to a huge corpus of composable software and a huge community around it. I think dissing that is not constructive. <dckc>yes, it's horrible in some ways... <dckc>but it's like they say: there are languages everybody complains about and languages nobody uses. <dckc>I think you're better off building a scheme community without looking down at JS. But I suppose you know your audience better than I do. <dckc>hm... "sans POSIX" is discussed as a bad thing; as a limitation. <dckc>to me, it's the thing that makes rewriting ~all the software in the world worthwhile. It's the pile of code that's not just insecure but insecurable. <dckc>fibers seems like a pointy instrument. I hope it's kept to low level stuff. event loop concurrency has a lot going for it. <dckc>"beyond DNS". oh my. that's so big it's sort of "one of these things is not like the others" on this slide. <dckc>(I'm not as hot on namecoin these days. it's another "one big namespace for the whole world" thing) <dckc>um. that supporter slide was only up like 2 seconds. next time, maybe show it at the beginning as well as the end or something <dckc>"repeat the question" yay FOSDEM organizers / session moderator!!! <dckc>"autotools ... is basically trash" spicy! <dckc>"guix typically has only one version of things" <- that's not my experience. I often `guix instally xyz` and get 4 versions of bash in the process <dckc>re guix as a package manager - it certainly works well in a lot of ways, but it sort of lacks the "scales down" shape. <dckc>There Can Be Only One guix store <dckc>maybe you can move the guix store like you can in nix, but then you don't get to use any pre-compiled binaries <dckc>only one... and do you have to be root to install it? I can't see any other way to make /gnu/store <dckc>"Identity and Access Management" track... looks like all ACL stuff. here's hoping for more capability mindshare! <dckc>`herd status` needs sudo? hm. <dckc>the ellipsis in /gnu/store/.../-avahi-daemon.conf ... how did he do that?! <dckc>hm. emacs shell tweak, maybe? <dckc>ah... `herd status` without sudo is for the user <dckc>repl in shepherd... I guess it has sort of a debugger-like capability? or maybe shepherd is not (yet?) capability/POLA-shaped inside yet? <dckc>socket based activation -- I was wondering if shepherd had that. cool. <dckc>7.4KLOC <- remarkably small <dckc>the prospect of writing code without static types still gives me the willies. <dckc>writing non-trivial amounts of code, that is <dckc>J. Sims acks funder on title slide :) <dckc>programming-in-yaml is a real nightmare, IME <dckc>darn; "Small headed programming for performance with prescheme, nim and zig" isn't ready either. <dckc>nor "Goblins: The framework for your next project!" <dckc>is the spritely shepherd work looking at landlock? <dckc>descriptors?" <- fuchsia talk <dpk>the unix philosophy will continue until morale improves <jfred>I've got a current-ish version of guix and my profile built on my rk3588 reform, I should copy that all over to my pocket reform soon haha <jfred>ACTION tries to work out if he's doing something wrong <jfred>oh whoops, I made the boss persistence-aware but not one of the objects it spawns and has a reference to, that's probably it! <jfred>aaaaaha, it was because I didn't extend `common-env` in my persistence env but I was using ghashes <jfred>few more things to work through/figure out but define-actor is lovely