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<cow_2001>my forest fire works in console.log in the browser in hoot! <cow_2001>now i need to figure out how to do pixel manipulations or... maybe i could keep it text art? <av0n>re: guile wayland compositor, very cool idea! I am slowly hacking away at a "display actor" that uses wayland and wgpu under the hood. I struggled to find any previous research of an actor system for UI, besides classic smalltalk ui systems and old display server implementations like NeWS, so if anyone knows of anything please feel free to lmk! <jfred>maybe that's actually similar to how syndicate's modeling things tbh <av0n>jfred: wow I hadn't considered that way of thinking about it, interesting! <jfred>the unum pattern is a division of labor of sorts between multiple objects representing the same thing, the habitat chronicles blog post outlines its use for client/server comms with other use cases being an area of future research... maybe this is one of them :) <av0n>also maybe could inform some ways of reasoning about handling multiple representations (like rendering the same underlying data as a spreadsheet in one window and graph in another).