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<cow_2001>,pp (make-array 0 10 10) is not very pretty :\ <cow_2001>now, what do i do to make it go on screen? <dthompson>cow_2001: I think I'm missing context. not exactly sure what you're asking <dthompson>but you mentioned arrays. hoot doesn't support guile's arrays currently <cow_2001>dthompson: what do you suggest in absence of guile arrays? i could just write pretend procedures over some other underlying data structure <cwebber>so tsyesika figured out why the goblin-chat demo wasn't working for people on Chrome <cwebber>it turns out we're using APIs which are widely available in Firefox but which you have to explicitly turn on in Chrome <cwebber>and tsyesika had turned it on and forgotten about it <cwebber>and so it got missed in terms of it not working on Chrome <cwebber>tsyesika: could you repeat the instructions here on how to enable it? <tsyesika>you need to go to about:flags and enable " Experimental Web Platform features". It'll prompt you to restart chromium which you need to do for it to work. <jfred>oof, always fun - hopefully that makes it to stable releases soon <dthompson>yeah same... I need to figure out how to track progress there <jfred>on the bright side, y'all seem to be continuously working on the bleeding edge of what's possible in browsers :P <dthompson>I've got our crypto code detecting the failure to generate Ed25519 keys. now I need to bubble that up to the app so we can display a message.