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<dckc>re lisp/scheme, javascript, and async iterators:
<dckc>timing attacks? not afaik. Having non-enumerable collections is handy for rights amplification, as I mentioned.
<dpk>but you can get back to a rights-amplifiable (if that's a word) weak map with no iteration by adding a simple, opaque wrapper around a weak map that does support iteration
<cwebber>dpk: yep that's right
<cwebber>and I think generally already that's what you want to do
<cwebber>since you want to expose the sealer and unsealer and etc as separate capabilities
<dpk>but you pay for it in performance with an extra memory indirection on every access, worse cache locality, etc.
<dpk>sigh. Scheme wants to be an Algol but it’s stuck being half of Python
<cwebber>from the next goblins release
<cwebber> Spritely Goblins 0.15.0 is OUT! Goblins in the browser AT LAST!
<tsyesika>Yay! :D
<cwebber>dpk: that's not just a scheme thing
<cwebber>facets are common across ocap systems
<dpk>should you have to pay a performance cost for security, though, morally speaking? the answer is no, i think
<dpk>you also shouldn’t have to pay a performance cost for dynamic type-safety, which is a much broader problem in Scheme and ultimately has the same cause
<dpk>what i want is for any non-record disjoint type to be clonable to a distinct type that exposes the same basic interface
<dpk>except not as ugly
<dpk>ML-style modules would be the way to do it, but R6RS decided to go with something much less interesting
<dpk>and R7 small only confirmed that decision
<dpk>so you could import e.g. the ‘vectors’ module multiple times with different parameterization, and it would generatively create multiple vector types
<dpk>or, in this case, you import the weak maps module with your own parameterization, it generatively creates a new weak map type, and you then just don’t re-export the iteration procedures
<dpk>just something more i’d do if i could redesign Scheme from scratch
<arjan>yay congrats all :3
<cwebber>thanks arjan !