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<dckc>ACTION tunes in to catch up... <dckc>yeah... I mostly quantize dev into 1/2day chunks one AM and one PM. Once you put an AM meeting on my calendar, you can kiss the AM chunk goodbye, so you might as well put 3 there. Likewise PM. <dckc>"websocket netlayer for ocapn" woot!!! <dckc>"a Spritely standard-issue laptop which runs Guix and is repairable" <- I wonder how well old thinkpads would serve. reuse is pretty efficient <stdh>i have experimented some more with persisting Goblins. it's cool! <stdh>but at one point i hit a hazard i was not prepared for: restoring objects seemed to take forever and memory use kept growing <stdh>took me a while to realize that persisting circular lists is not supported. <stdh>would that be a reasonable request? if not i think i'd be good idea to state so explicitly in the docs (eg. persistence.texi:742 -> "well-formed lists")