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<Gooberpatrol66>i think the foss cyborg's solution of a split keyboard strapped to each leg is probably the best method for data input in VR <cwebber>a little livestream of me doing artwork and talkinga bout spritely <cwebber>sorry had to drop it because I had another meeting ;_; <cwebber>augh I had another meeting I forgot about which is why I needed to rapidly kill the stream <mala>this was my fault, i forced a meeting on cwebber (a monthly meeting that I think we both thought was happening last week) <cwebber>we try to keep the number of org meetings lowish at spritely so people can focus, though I have more than most <cwebber>we do have a daily engineering call (I suppose called a "stand-up" tho not my favorite term) that's supposed to be half an hour and is often an hour <cwebber>but then after that everyone stays focused on their stuff for the day... for the engineers, mostly. I usually have a few other external meetings throughout the week and a few meetings internally <cwebber>but I think for most staff, the rounded average is 1 per day, but is sometimes 2. the average for me is probably 2 per day. but it can be more or less.