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<dckc>I'm sitting down to do some scheme hacking again, and I'm struggling with stuff like how to run a file, how to change directories in the repl and such... <dckc>I vaguely recall there was a sort of "lesson 2" that talked more about that, but I don't recall where it is. <dckc>"at minimum, you’ll want to put in your .emacs: (show-paren-mode 1)" then you have to re-load .emacs, right? it's hard to draw the line at how much background knowledge to assume <dckc>maybe I'm thinking too much in the shell / Make / filesystem world again <dckc>I just get uneasy in a REPL, not knowing what version of code is loaded and stuff. <dckc>I'm starting with the counter instance. <dckc>guile really doesn't like (let value init) <dckc>making macros that grok that looks like a significant pain... the scope of value goes outside those ()s <dckc>"The traditional way to hack Guile is to use Geiser, both evaluating from some foo.scm file/buffer with more “permanent” code via, for example, the C-x C-e / C-x C-b / C-x C-k commands" ??? <dckc>C-x C-b brings up a list of buffers. <dckc>Is that supposed to be C-c C-b ? <dckc>my experience using .emacs is that I lose more often than I win. <dckc>I can never get the right magic for connecting to melpa or whatever. <dckc>guix should make much of that go away, yes? <dckc>odd... in the guile manual, macros is under API reference. But it looks like narrative documentation. <dckc>and it seems like a language thing, not a stdlib thing. clearly don't limit API to stdlib things <dckc>the API section starts with FFI matters. wild <dckc>rest is not in the index. isn't there a :rest parameter thingy? <dckc>rest is in lambda* and define* <dckc>2025-01-10 01:56 c3eb6ac <jfred>dckc: I've found that a useful geiser command is C-c C-a in a scheme buffer, which switches you to a repl and puts the repl into the current module you're working in <jfred>it wasn't obvious to me coming from other languages like python, but guile's repl lets you work in multiple modules and switch between them, each module having its own environment <jfred>(I was occasionally confused at why a function I'd defined in a module didn't seem to exist in the repl, until I realized you need to be working in the same module in the repl to see it - the repl was "smarter" than I was expecting, I didn't realize it was doing more than just splatting the last expression into the current repl buffer) <dckc>thanks... yeah.. I read some docs about how stuff is focussed on one module at a time... but I didn't see C-c C-a <jfred>sneek: later tell dckc there is a bot in here that does some of that <dckc>do tell. what bot? show me how it works? give me and example? <sneek>Welcome back dckc, you have 1 message! <sneek>dckc, jfred says: there is a bot in here that does some of that <jfred>I admittedly don't know what else it can do, the "tell" feature is the only one I've seen used haha <dpk>(it responds to that command in a PM)