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<dthompson>jfred: finally got a chance to finish reading your blog post. great great stuff!!
<dthompson>you even snuck in the unum pattern lol wonderful
<jfred>dthompson: The unum pattern was actually kinda helpful in reasoning about the message flow as it turns out! Not that it was *really* needed here since there's only one server and one client, but hey, maybe it'd make sense for one machine to have a client presence for another at some point :)
<dthompson>yeah it would be useful any time you want to give someone a capability that you can revoke when you're no longer sharing the same "space" together
<jfred>(and right now all the communication is server -> client, but I expect that to change if I add any caching to the server - then you'd maybe want the client to send a message to the server to immediately invalidate its cache)