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<jfred>woohoo, congrats on the oaken ngi0 funding :) oaken's exciting!
<dthompson>jfred: yeah! we've been waiting forever to know if we were accepted/rejected so it's nice to finally know and even nicer to know that it was accepted!
<dthompson>we haven't had a chance to announce it for ourselves yet
<dthompson>I imagine you saw it from this post?
<dthompson>for anyone lurking that is missing context: Oaken is the codename for Spritely's proposed "safe Scheme" environment, where you can evaluate untrusted code safely
<jfred>yup, haha - specifically because you boosted it actually :P
<dthompson>we just got our grant application approved by the wonderful NLnet
<dthompson>and it's really dpk's application, who will be the lead developer!
<Zarutian_iPad>Gleðilegt nýtt ár!
<Zarutian_iPad>(Happy new year but in Icelandic)
<Zarutian_iPad>Meigi dagar þess verða góður fengur, njótið vel! (May its days become good catch, enjoy/use well!)
<Zarutian_iPad>dthompson: that is quite fantastic news.
<Zarutian_iPad>Lesse, is Oaken based on W7 by J. Rees by anychance?
<dthompson>Zarutian_iPad: heavily inspired by W7, yes
<Zarutian_iPad>dredging up from distant memory. How did you solve the 'endless loop' issue/problem? W7 used 'batteries' which is basically analogous to Ethereum gas.
<dthompson>not sure what you're talking about, sorry
<Zarutian_iPad>but iirc there was in the future work section some mention on of doing cps context/thread switching on basic block boundaries only
<dthompson>are you talking about having some untrusted code enter an unbounded loop?
<Zarutian_iPad>untrusted code containg a while (true) { } loop is the 'endless loop' issue
<dthompson>guile provides some means to place limits on time, allocation, and call stack height
<dthompson>oaken will take guile's existing eval sandbox further
<Zarutian_iPad>reading that at the moment
<Zarutian_iPad>ACTION sees W7 being refered to, in that manual page
<dthompson>there's plenty of things to figure out still, but between W7 and WebAssembly I think we have excellent prior art for this project
<msavoritias>is it going to be a separate scheme than guile or a "safe guile" ?
<msavoritias>it would be nice to have the pieces as general pieces. in the sense that it would be nice for guix to get capabilities to emulate permissions flatpak has
<dthompson>it will be a separate language on the guile vm that is scheme with some differences
<dthompson>the module system will be different, we know that much already
<msavoritias>hmm. that makes me tempted now :P because i would really like a safer scheme but also leaving all the guile ecosystem behind is a big ask
<msavoritias>then again maybe it can be module specific and can be interacted from guile
<dthompson>yeah it will work with the rest of guile
<dthompson>the basic idea is that there would be a new compiler frontend that oaken code would go through, the result will still be the same as any other compilation in guile
<dthompson>guile's compiler tower makes all this interop possible
<jfred>I hadn't thought about just how useful guile's compiler tower can be until recently. just watched robin's guile-emacs talk earlier today and it's also using that for elisp support
<dthompson>yeah it's great
<jfred>lots of good tools in the toolbox :)
<dthompson>the elisp support is a great example of how useful it can be
<dthompson>and since it's relatively easy to define new languages it can also be used for fun tricks like compiling a machine readable specification to scheme
<dthompson>as was done here
<jfred>oh that's kinda wild, so that's like... autogenerated guile bindings to x11?
<dthompson>I never released this, but back when I was doing AWS stuff full-time I was bored while at re:invent and wrote something that compiled the the cloudformation json spec to scheme
<jfred>huh. I wonder if you could do something like that for openapi specs too
<dthompson>anything that is well specified enough to be usable
<dthompson>it's neat because you just define the language and specify that it lowers to scheme and the compiler tower will figure out how to get it lowered to bytecode
<jfred>oh and I had forgotten that languages are supported in the guile repl, so once it's there I suppose you could just run ,language oaken and end up in an oaken repl
<dthompson>yup, though it's unclear exactly what that will mean
<dthompson>in terms of what is available in the environment. in oaken you won't be able to just import whatever from a load path.
<jfred>right, makes sense - you'll need imports passed in from outside somehow
<dthompson>fun fact: the ,enter-vat REPL command in goblins builds a guile language on the fly specifically for that repl instance
<dthompson>which is a trick I stole from guix
<jfred>oh, hah!
<dthompson>it changes the prompt to include the vat name and wraps the expressions like: (call-with-vat some-vat (lambda () (your-exp)))
<dthompson>because the language defines the evaluator and the repl uses that
<jfred>clever, and turning that "language" into scheme is of course simple because it still is scheme haha
<dthompson>right it's all just a little trick to eval the scheme in the particular context we want
<jfred>out of curiosity, have you (or anyone else here I suppose) tried out guile-ares-rs in place of geiser? its readme links to guile-goblins's geiser workaround as one quirk it's meant to avoid
<dthompson>I haven't, no.
<jfred>my mind goes back to that anytime I find myself with a hung geiser buffer, but I still haven't tried it out
<dthompson>I'm a little unsure how to even use it, honestly
<robin>jfred, hope you enjoyed it :) i haven't tried that geiser alternative but i'm excited to see what happens with r7rs swank support, i used to use slime48 (slime for scheme48) and it was great
<robin>(r7rs is of course not really sufficient, but it does appear to support a decent number of schemes)
<jfred>robin: I'm excited about guile-emacs! And, seeing you calling guile code from within elisp, I'm daydreaming a bit about running goblins software inside emacs too :P
<dthompson>(funcall #'spawn-vat)
<robin>jfred, i imagine that will be possible; the erights folks were very negative about CL(-style-lisps), but i have no doubt interesting progress can be made with a sufficiently expressive dialect :)
<Zarutian_iPad>hmm... ya mean the Agoric folks?
<Zarutian_iPad>erights is one of Mark Millers nicks/usernames btw
<robin>oh, i meant the lists, but yes (there was also a partial E-on-CL implementation by kevin reid though ofc that's rather different than language-level support)
<Zarutian_iPad>I am not familiar enough with CommonLisp to judge but was it due to the untamed libraries size?
<robin>Zarutian_iPad, too long ago for me to remember the exact details :) but iirc things like the package system (which would indeed need some customization) and CLOS's approach to OO
<Zarutian_iPad>multi dispatch in the latter and no equiv of a namespace object in the former?
<dthompson>yeah CLOS style generics don't align with language level ocaps
<dthompson>I guess I can think of them as a sort of very scary capability because if you have a reference to one you can extend its functionality :P
<Zarutian_iPad>whilist in Scheme objects are closures that dispatch on the first argument, the selector, yes?
<dthompson>standard Scheme has no equivalent to CLOS. Guile has GOOPS, though, which is a somewhat close approximation to CLOS and thus the same issues wrt ocaps
<dthompson>you couldn't have a safe execution environment that allowed untrusted code to define methods
<Zarutian_iPad>well the canonical SICP oo examples uses the objects as closure way
<robin>Zarutian_iPad, right (i see no fundamental issue with generic OO -- though it requires a change of perspective and a sufficiently powerful MOP -- but we'll see what can be done)
<dthompson>Zarutian_iPad: I wouldn't call those "canonical" but idk maybe I'm splitting hairs
<dthompson>single dispatch methods where the methods are associated with object instances is easy to be ocap safe
<Zarutian_iPad>simplest I say
<dthompson>this is what goblins actors do
<dthompson>CLOS style extensible methods are much more useful but much more dynamic
<Zarutian_iPad>to me objects in E just were closures whose code was the script of the object
<Zarutian_iPad>maybe ya can answer, what is the difference between multiple dispatch and just straight up procedural/structural programming?
<dthompson>in the latter the procedures aren't generic
<dthompson>you know exactly what you're calling
<robin>Zarutian_iPad, extensible & dynamic runtime dispatch on multiple argument types (traditionally simple classes but potentially other criteria such as object identity, predicate classes, etc.), i guess?
<dthompson>with multiple dispatch you are calling the method that most specifically matches the arguments
<Zarutian_iPad>so basically one could think of it as one big (cond ...) whose conditionals are class/type checks?
<dthompson>yeah basically
<Zarutian_iPad>so it is a bit more of like a syntax thing then?
<Zarutian_iPad>to be able say call (+ a b) where a and b are something else than just fixnums or such?
<dthompson>not really a syntax thing in the sense that it's not determined at compile time
<dthompson>but like yeah you can turn + into a generic method that dispatches on the arg types
<dthompson>beyond what + does naturally in scheme
<dthompson>if you import goops in guile, arithmetic becomes generic and I could then extend it for matrix/vector multiplication or something
<Zarutian_iPad>hmm... that sounds more Haskell-ish to me rather than oop
<dthompson>OOP is a very broad category :)
<dthompson>it's multi-dispatch OOP
<dthompson>as opposed to "Java style" single-dispatch
<dthompson>in CLOS, methods exist on their own, they are not associated with classes
<dthompson>I hated OOP until I learned about CLOS