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<yarl>I am confused, I come with a probably stupid question/comment. I am surprised I did not ear other people mentioning it. Here I go : 4.12 Foreign function interface. I kind of get the capability thing and that it's the reason one have to define-foreign in guile file and to separately bind it to an implementation on the host in js file. kind of. but: <yarl>I find it particularly tedious, not simple to understand and repulsive (as a newcomer). In particular, why that 2 tier nested object structure (3.2 Javascript API reference). Why this redundancy (document and createTextNode both in scm and js). I probably did not totally got it, I guess? <dthompson>yarl: consider that wasm modules are portable and can run on many wasm hosts, not all of which use javascript. two places that hoot wasm modules can run today are in web browsers and hoot's own wasm interpreter. for our low-level ffi, we cannot assume anything about the host. so, you specify the function signature in define-foreign and its up to the host program to provide the desired implementation. <dthompson>what we are going to add is a layer on top of this ffi that is specific to javascript. this will take care of both generating the necessary wasm imports *and* the host-side js code. <dthompson>see the kotlin or haskell wasm ports for existing examples of such a thing <yarl>dthompson: Oh, a high level ffi is planed? <dthompson>yeah, it's just a lot more work than a barebones ffi <yarl>oh great, nothing in origin/main yet? <yarl>ok! I heard Christine on last guix social. That was great. I wonder how long time before goblins into hoot? <dthompson>if all goes well, we'll have goblins on hoot in january. we're close. <dthompson>many of us, myself included, are off this week for the holidays, but we'll be getting back to it next week <yarl>Right, sorry to bother you on holidays. <dthompson>the xmas festivities are over, I have a little time to chill online again