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<jfred>Hmm, Dave's blog post from a while back about FRP with propagators just popped back into my head and I wonder if it might be a good way to build a graphical structural s-expression renderer/editor <jfred>was trying to think of how you might translate something like Fructure to the web and all the nested bounding boxes with odd shapes are tricky to reason about XD <Zarutian_iPad>ACTION watches Safari on the iPad screem as another tab is opened <Zarutian_iPad>well , Fructure, Blockly (and Scratch) plus ideas from Apple Dashboard widgets have been floating intertwined in me head for some time. <jfred>I've been thinking it might be a nice way to build an editor widget for s-expressions that could work well on touchscreens <Zarutian_iPad>definately look into how Blockly anf Fructure could be ?boiled together?. <Zarutian_iPad>the thing betwixt the ? there is a rough translation of an Icelandic metaphor/expression samsuĂ°a <jfred>oh yeah, blockly is another interesting example <Zarutian_iPad>look for JSONlogic or MongoDB example of how blockly can be used as an expression constructor <Zarutian_iPad>that is there is an exp constructor for MongoDB or JSONlogic made with Blockly <jfred>I see from the developer page that blockly is doing a bunch of string concatenation under the hood and I wonder if that ever breaks down <jfred>it can generate Python code too though and my experience with templating whitespace-sensitive files via string concatenation is pretty fraught <cwebber>yeah, tsyesika and dthompson are working on the cirkoban on webkit stuff <cwebber>right now dthompson has the expertise but not the webkit devices and it's not clear that safari actually exposes the same amount of information needed, it might, so it's going slow. probably would be better if we through it at our local igalian, but he's busy with other things right now ;P