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<mala>so i'm trying to connect to a sturdy ref via the onion-netlayer, but i get "#<&compound-exception components: (#<&error> #<&origin origin: #f> #<&message message: "TTL expired"> #<&irritants irritants: ()> #<&exception-with-kind-and-args kind: misc-error args: (#f "TTL expired" () #f)>)>" at the other end. Any hints on how I could debug this? <cwebber>mala: I'm guessing it's the usual problem with tor onion services: getting it "register a new onion service" often fails :( <cwebber>it might be best to kill both processes and restart <cwebber>we could do a lot to make the tor onion services netlayer give better errors though <cwebber>it's been a while since I debugged one of these <cwebber>sneek: later tell Zarutian that's the blogpost and social media threads people are talking about