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<msavoritias>hey o/ i have been reading about monads recently (the dissecting guix was excellent around that) specifically regarding io (text and db wise) and i saw that spritely does have some kind of monad that i kind of suspected due to the whole promises thing :P its mentioned as an implicit monad of course due not being exposed and just using promises i assume.
<msavoritias>my question is what is the tools that spritely gives you for the isolation of state regarding io? the network has the promises way of doing things but i feel like that probably wouldn't be such a good fit due to io being much more synchronous than network. i checked the goblins-chat project and it seems to be basically "isolating" in a way the gui io (entering the message) to send whatever text to the backend.scm to actually d
<msavoritias>ith a promise so in effect kind of isolating the io side-effects. would isolating io into a vat and then exchanging promises back to the message processing vat or whatever else be the "correct" goblins way to do things?