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<jfred>it would be very cool to have Guile built for a CHERI arch <jfred>...not that CHERI hardware is available much yet <cwebber>It uses tagged memory to make C safe <cwebber>Which is funny because lisp machines already had a safer language and they used tagged memory to make lisp fast <cwebber>So I think it's interesting that tagged architecture seems like the right thing in both directions <makx>mmhhmmhmm Riscv and scheme, what's not to like! <dpk>mornin’, what’ve you got then <cwebber>dpk: oh, TZAG stands for "Time Zone Appropriate Greeting" <cwebber>also I might as well say in here: we had a conversation internally and the focus for the next Goblins release shifted. It was originally gonna be performance improvements for Goblins, and we did get one in, but now that Jessica is back and with juli's recent work on the Hoot-Goblins integration hitting a major point we decided to pivot <cwebber>we're going to see if we can land Goblins on Hoot in upstream Goblins for the next release <stdh>Cool! I had the wildly ambitious idea to make something with Goblins on Hoot for the game jam, but I wasn't aware it wasn't available yet. No problem though, I'm not really familiar with Guile, so I wouldn't get to the Goblins part either way. I was happy to have a more or less working Pong, until it turned out I had missed a few files in the zip I uploaded, my submission just doesn't work. :( Note to future self: test early, test <sneek>stdh, dsmith says: No, guile does not use flex for it's scanner. It's done by hand in (I think) libguile/read.c <dthompson>and yeah, this is a lesson every jammer learns early on: test your release process early! <jfred>hm, and there's a javascript version of libp2p that I bet you could tie in as a netlayer in browsers