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<Zarutian_iPad>Sieves are holesome.
<Zarutian_iPad>havent been here in a while, what has been going on with spritely?
<dthompson>hey Zarutian_iPad
<dthompson>so we're still chugging along getting goblins running on hoot w/ actual ocapn suppport
<Zarutian_iPad>ya cribbing a bit from kriskowals Q connection stuff? for at least to provide stuff underneath some netlayers?
<dthompson>haven't looked Q connections. what are those?
<Zarutian_iPad>really really old stuff kriskowal wrote back in the day for doing captp-esque things in js in browsers
<Zarutian_iPad> this thing
<Zarutian_iPad>basically hvað ég er á höttunum eftir er... sorry got distracted let me start again
<Zarutian_iPad>basically what I am looking for is that so long one provides something akin to MessagePort (web js) or such then one can have a captp connection over it
<cwebber>hi hi