IRC channel logs


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<cwebber>Yay community meeting day!
<dthompson>office hours coming up in 1.5 hours!
<dthompson>we'll be in this jitsi room
<dthompson>office hours about to start!
<old>what's office hour?
<old>is it like open questioning from community to spritely employees?
<old>ah seem like it from above web page^
<futurile>old: yep, I'm just hanging out there - though I don't have any actual q's - interesting listening
<wizard> sneak peak of my game
<wizard>(none of the buttons are functional yet, that's today's project)
<dckc>man. *every time* I log in with nickserv, I'm reminded of how Aaron Swartz taught me how to do that.
<dckc> is really cool. It sort of looks familiar. I wonder if I saw it before.
<cwebber>awesome wizard
<cwebber>dckc: hehe, yeah ludo' shared it with me and my eyebrow jumped about three inches once I saw the filename
<dthompson>futurile, wizard, dckc: thanks for coming to office hours!
<wizard>ty for hosting, i did actually learn a lot :)
<dthompson>glad to hear that!
<dthompson>er, to read that
<dthompson>"goblin or whatever" made me laugh in the screenshot
<wizard>sorry to turn your tech into an enemy with a funny name in my prealpha ;)
<cwebber>it's ffine
<cwebber>and don't forget that I used to run MediaGoblin, which had even completely different goblins than the different goblins we have now :)
<futurile>dthompson: thanks for running it, very interesting to hear the updates and questions