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<dthompson>kreved: sorry for the delay, but basically you need to use define-foreign to define a binding to a foreign function (javascript). if you explain the exact task you're trying to do I might be able to provide more specific advice. <drewjose>Writing bindings to the melonjs library but very slowly <kreved>dthompson: turns out I don't need it D: <kreved>I basically have method that accepts nested js object <kreved>and I'd like to build that object in scheme and pass it to js <kreved>but from my understanding it's not possible yet <dthompson>kreved: without having all the context needed to speak in any specifics, from my own experience working on hoot so far I'd say that if you find yourself wanting to build a nested js object from scheme that something has gone wrong in your design. <dthompson>hoot's ffi is actually agnostic to its host platform, it speaks only in core wasm types. this is what allows hoot modules to run on the web/nodejs, as well as our own interpreter in guile, and with the possibility of running on non-web production runtimes such as wasmtime (in the future, they only just got support for wasm gc) <kreved>dthompson: I'm using pixijs, so not really my design <dckc>nice to see the shepherd design! <dckc>I wonder about confined services <dckc>(rebooting for maintenance here, btw)