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<dthompson>which means that juli and civodul are on the same page about the work to be done and what the open questions are. <drakonis>the real boss move would be to run the guix daemon as an actor in shepherd <dthompson>I dream of a time when guix-daemon is rewritten in guile and uses goblins <dpk>oh, huh, Juliana Sims is a Guix person? <dpk>well, since i know her from occasionally showing up in SRFI discussions and for a rather awesome PR to the r7rs small report which added really good documentation of the LaTeX build process which i stupidly ignored at the time … not really a small world :P <dpk>small world of Schemers, maybe, but thus it has ever been <dthompson>if you're part of the spritelyverse you're most likely a guix user