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<dpk>(fun fact: LambdaMOO was stepfathered and administered by noted Schemer Pavel Curtis, and is actually named after Scheme’s lambda operator, notwithstanding the MOO programming language, elegant though it is, doesn’t actually have lambdas) <jfred>I suppose Fantasary could out-lambda LambdaMOO :P <jfred>I actually didn't know Pavel Curtis was (is?) a Schemer, only knew of him from LambdaMOO. But sure enough, I see some papers from the 90s (and now I'm looking up what SchemeXerox was, haha) <randy__>I was elected to LambdaMoos ruling council for awhile. I have stories. <dpk>i was thinking today it’d be awesome to have a version of PreScheme that compiles to CUDA and OpenCL <dpk>(not that i intend to shove this on the plate of flatwhatson as a todo item, it would be a new compiler in itself probably!) <dthompson>dpk: I guess not what you're looking for but on my personal todo list is to write an s-expression form of SPIR-V for use with my game library stuff <dthompson>with the further goal of having a higher level language that looks a lot like scheme that can compile to it <flatwhatson>dpk: it would be interesting to look into, some basic GLSL is the extent of my GPU knowledge, and that has some major constraints compared to even basic C <flatwhatson>prescheme does a bit of goto abuse, that might present a headache :) <dpk>if God hadn’t intended us to use goto he wouldn’t have given us the portable assembly language in the first place <dpk>not that i think Dennis Ritchie is God *shudder* <dthompson>SPIR-V is a low-level bytecode SSA IR, supported by Vulkan currently but Microsoft just announced that Direct3D will be adopting it. Apple's Metal is the only major holdout (unless you start talking about consoles because Sony has their own GPU API) <dthompson>I've previously worked on compiling to GLSL using the Hindley-Milner type inference approach of Pre-Scheme. it worked okay though my implementation was a mess. <flatwhatson>a nice schemelike shader language will be super cool :) <cwebber>flatwhatson: holy moly! it's so cool!