IRC channel logs


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<robin> that's the one, i think. visually identical except for better kerning
<robin>"An interesting link is found in the connection between the Novosibirsk institute and Stanford: Baers’ superior, head of the programming department Andrei Ershov maintained a regular exchange with Stanford’s computer science professors John McCarthy and Knuth." i was not expecting mccarthy to show up in a thesis on digital typography
<parnikkapore_x>ACTION sulks in missing foss&crafts again
<cwebber>it happens
<cwebber>I did make progress on Terminal Phase
<wizard>oh wait was foss and crafts today
<wizard>oh it was yesterday (late) aha
<wizard>i wanna join one some time, maybe i'll try for the next one...
<cwebber>hack & craft, yeah
<cwebber>there's a #fossandcrafts channel also if you'd like
<cwebber>not super active lately but it's there
<cwebber>the podcast is FOSS & Crafts, the meetup is Hack & Craft