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<cow_2001>there's some problem compiling hoot or something and we don't know what's what <cow_2001>value of the.. uh.. form(?) should be the string "4242", but instead we get an error from the form <dpk>cwebber: when did Spritely switch its focus from Racket to Guile? <cwebber>It was right when the institute was spinning up <cwebber>I had done a marathon hack session on a multi day train ride right after Jessica started <cwebber>Then when I got back I asked Jessica to spend some time with it, and she quickly agreed it was much easier to debug Guile than Racket <cwebber>But lemme check the commit history when I get upstairs to my computer <dpk>i’m going to present an R7RS status update at TFP, and i’m going to mention Spritely <dpk>as one of the main projects that are reinvigorating interest in Scheme <cwebber>July 23, 2021 was the first commit to guile-goblins <cwebber>I started porting it in stages so we could explain and understand how to bring the core ideas of Goblins to other languages <cwebber>Jessica Tallon started contributing in March 2022 <cwebber>Goblins itself was announced publicly in 2018 <cwebber>hey jfred do you have a picture of your metacircular evaluator plate for the mnt pocket reform anywhere <jfred>cwebber: and now that I know it fits let's coordinate, I can send you one of the extras :) <jfred>(at the ren faire now though haha) <dpk>i do not know what the last digit of the Symbolics service telephone number was, which is one problem <jfred>dpk: I wish the text had been cut off at a slightly different place. "Please handle with car" <dthompson>I've been thinking about really niche bumper stickers for schemers <robin>dpk, i was going to suggest 3 :p given that it looks like good old helvetica <robin>which would make it easy to reproduce, too <robin>not sure what typeface was used for "symbolics", but i'm sure that's documented somewhere <robin>an oblique variant of eurostile, i think <robin>"The digital font side of the solution will come from master-makers such as those from Bitstream, Inc. In conjunction with Symbolics, the Artificial Intelligence computer builders, they have developed a program which creates font bit-maps from outline masters. [...] The thinkware and machinery cost about $160,000, a bargain by any font library development standards." :) <robin>(followed by a...creative metaphor regarding a postscript vm being like a translator between english and etruscan) <robin>bitstream has their own take on eurostile but i'd guess symbolics used novarese's eurostile, or an ~exact copy (there are "eurex{12,21,24}i.bdf" files in the opengenera distribution) <jfred>dthompson: there's the classic "my other car is a cdr". Though I think " cadr" fits better haha <jfred>I would absolutely use a scheme-y bumper sticker though <robin>"Europe, kind of. (Soneone should check a map, and find out how the Soviet write dates, when we enter that market...)" <robin>eurex = eurostile extended. idk why that seemed so hard to figure out :p <robin>(as opposed to condensed; there are other "extended" eurostile fonts with e.g. latin-1 support)