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<cookie>hey, how is this doing?
<cookie>are there any demos for the social network level things yet?
<cookie>or the p2p stuff?
<dthompson>hi cookie
<dthompson>the latest goblins release introduced initial support for libp2p
<dthompson>we aren't yet at the stage of doing social networks, though internally we're dogfooding goblins with a WIP chat app
<cookie>ooh nice
<cookie>do you have a video somewhere?
<dthompson>not currently. we have a public repo but it's not really ready for public consumption yet.
<dthompson>specifically the libp2p branch
<dthompson>very underbaked, very WIP, very unsupported but in the interest of transparency :)
<dthompson>it's one of those "throw the first one away" kind of prototypes but it's been very useful for testing how goblins is actually working in the context of a larger program.
<cookie>the sturdyref does indeed look sturdy
<cookie>i like that it's a websocket transport somewhere in there
<dthompson>the sturdyref is also completely irrelevant. it's stale, from a past game jam when we worked on it
<dthompson>(it's supposed to have some MUD-like features)
<cookie>the WASM bits are neat too
<dthompson>yeah we use hoot to generate the frontend
<dthompson>and the web client communicates with the main app over a websocket
<dthompson>this is *temporary* because we don't yet have goblins working sufficiently when compiled to wasm... but we're close
<cookie>hm, if I have you for a bit
<cookie>what's a room coordinator?
<cookie>is that like xmpp's model?
<cookie>i'm glad you're building out some demos that's very important to verify your model really holds up
<cookie>if you have the resources maybe try & put them a bit more 'on the line'
<cookie>like I stumbled into spritely again after $X months and went to the site and it's some 100%theory presentations which gives off a really strong "research project" vibe
<dthompson>we have many smaller demos that you can try now
<dthompson>such as this game that incorporates hoot + an early wasm port of goblins (no networking)
<dthompson>it's using the actor model to implement a puzzle game
<dthompson>our blog has many small demos
<dthompson>we're absolutely plan on showcasing bigger demos but we have to build the infrastructure first
<dthompson>but we're all about demos here so I don't agree that our blog is 100% theory
<dthompson>to answer the room coordinator question: I didn't write this particular bit of code but it seems to be something Jessica extracted out of the ^room actor to manage adding/removing objects.
<cookie>the game demo is @ 80% scrollthrough on
<cookie>i'm glad the project is moving along!
<dthompson>our latest hoot release blog post includes a demo of a simple scheme repl embedded in a web page, which I think is pretty neat
<dthompson>it's not a goblins demo, but it's a big step towards, say, having a web page that is a goblins tutorial that lets you try out code right in the page
<cookie>yesyes! nic
<cookie>* nice
<dthompson>we'd really like to make it easy to try out goblins without having to install anything! just go to a web page and give it a shot
<cookie>i'm excited for when you cross the threshold into that and can more rapidly prototype
<cookie>standing up a whole platform is a tonne of work
<cookie>i hope it works
<dthompson>we're making a ton of progress!
<dthompson>just today we got web crypto integrated with the wasm goblins port. soon enough we'll be able to do something like ocapn over websocket.