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<wizard>is it common for people to use GOOPS in the wild? <wizard>my brain works in object oriented ways but it doesn't seem to be a very common style from what i'm aware <flatwhatson>it's not uncommon, it's the right choice in certain situations (anything where you need type-directed dispatch, aka. generic procedures aka. methods) <flatwhatson>but it's overkill for a lot of OOP-style design, where you really just want some data types (records) and some procedures to operate on those data types <dpk>i’m interested to see Dybvig’s OO extensions to R6RS define-record-type. there’s been a PR open for ages on Chez, but how to actually use it is not documented yet <dthompson>wizard: I like using GOOPS for certain high-level programming tasks. I have a WIP game engine-like thing that uses it extensively and I think it's a good fit there. CLOS is a great OOP system to steal from. <cwebber>wizard: consider joining #guile and #scheme btw!