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<cwebber>Evan and Mallory are good people to lead it. It's a challenging start in that many instance admins are nervous about how Meta and etc will affect things and I have 0 surprise to see that anxiety playing out as it is rn. But i truly think if anyone can make this work it's Evan, so wishing the org luck
<dpk>(i saw the names ‘Evan’ and ‘Mallory’ and assumed you were talking about attacks on cryptosystems)
<dpk>(apropos of nothing)
<fr33domlover>o/ In Goblins, do errors get propagated between vats? If an actor's behavior throws an error, is the promise of the return value get fulfilled (with the error)? Is the error rethrown by the caller?
<dthompson>fr33domlover: it doesn't throw an exception on the caller's side, but the promise they received will be broken so whatever failure handler is registered will be run
<wizard>dthompson: i migrated my site to haunt :)
<wizard>very fun ty for making it
<dthompson>wizard: oh awesome! congrats! glad you had a good time with haunt
<fr33domlover>dthompson: Where/when is the failure handler registered? /me goes to grep the goblins source for hints
<jfred>fr33domlover: here, I think:
<fr33domlover>Thanks jfred! I also found it here