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<fr33domlover>Are method call queues persisted as well? (e.g. what if actor A calls a method of actor B, adding the call to actor B's message queue, and now the system crashes)
<dthompson>I think currently those messages would be lost
<cwebber>yes currently those are dropped
<fr33domlover>And is 'become' persisted? Like if an actor uses become to change its behavior, and the system is restarted, will the actor be running the updated behavior? (if yes, how is that persisted?)
<fr33domlover>ACTION should improve his diving-into-scheme-sources skills
<dthompson>yes, that is persisted. basically, as a user of the persistence system you associate actor behavior procedures with names in a "persistence environment" and that is used for saving and restoring.
<jfred>lol, I just got an email announcement and looks like this year's magfest preregistration opens up at exactly the same time as the spritely office hours starts XD
<dthompson>never heard of magfest before but it looks neat!