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<RussetParrotBear>Is there a command to identify the current vat in the repl, like `,which-vat` or similar?
<dckc>dpk, "if you don’t like that you can do a prefixing import" yeah, but the rest of the scheme community won't.
<dckc>fr33domlover, I expect a method handler can 1) make a promise, 2) make an async call that will later resolve the promise 3) return the promise
<dckc>I might have done that myself lately...
<dckc>I did it in a couple procedures. I can't imagine the same thing doesn't work in a method handler.
<dckc>after all, a method handler is a procedure, IIUC
<dthompson>RussetParrotBear: if you use ,enter-vat then the current vat's name is printed in the prompt.
<dthompson>fr33domlover: yes it can do something async that will be resolved later. in that case the actor returns a promise.
<RussetParrotBear>dthompson: oh nice.
<fr33domlover>Thanks dckc, dthompson. So if I call such a method (using <-) it returns a Promise that resolves to a Promise? ^_^
<fr33domlover>(Just to make sure I understand)
<dthompson>fr33domlover: no it would resolve to the value within the promise
<fr33domlover>dthompson: If I far-call a method that returns a number, I get a promise, right? Which will resolve to a number. So I can do use `on` and decide what do to with the number when I receive it. But if I far-call a method that itself returns a promise-of-a-number - then if I use `on`, doesn't the handler receive a promise-of-a-number? On which again it
<fr33domlover>can use `on` and now finally react to the actual number being received?
<fr33domlover>I'm not a schemer, sorry for the Haskellness:
<fr33domlover>f :: Number -> Number | (on (<- f 3.14) (... work with the number ...))
<fr33domlover>f :: Number -> Promise Number | (on (<- f 3.14) (... we got a promise, if we again use `on` we can get the number itself ...))
<dckc>in JS, a Promise<Promise<T>> is indistinguishable from a Promise<T>
<dckc>hm. maybe not entirely indistinguishable. But I hope you get the idea. they all collapse. When you await the resolution, you're sure to get something that's not a promise.
<dckc>I'm pretty sure (on ...) works the same way
<dthompson>yes, that's right
<fr33domlover>Now I understand :)
<jfred>oh yeah I think I've taken advantage of that a few times but hadn't thought through why it worked that much
<jfred>but that makes sense
<dckc>There was a small war fought over collapsing Promise<Promise<T>> to Promise<T>. It breaks the monad laws.
<dthompson>might make more sense if you think about the call happening across the network. each side needs their own promise.