IRC channel logs
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<jfred>Ooh: "All the talks from ICFP and the colocated workshops will be streamed online in real-time on SIGPLAN’s YouTube Channel for video streaming and Discord for Q&A." <jfred>though, dang, 3 AM my time haha <dthompson>ooh thanks for catching that. I must have missed it or it wasn't published yet <dpk>did they announce yet where ICFP 2025 is taken place? <dpk>the year it’s reasonably close to me i can’t afford it. i bet next year will be in Timbuktu or something <dthompson>looks like the acm youtube channel is keeping the unedited stream recordings up, so maybe I don't have to get up at 3am if I can just wait until the stream ends to catch the VOD <dckc>last night I was thinking about the (%r k1 v1 k2 v2) idiom from rockt and the js {shorthand, syntax}... <dckc>... it evolved into some devious ideas for rockit-like macros. <dpk>symbol properties are not a great idea <dpk>usually the implementations that support them implement them using a hash table on the side anyway <dpk>(the traditional Lisp implementation was to store them directly on the symbol objects) <dpk>and the good news is that hash tables are portable <dpk>also nice @ rockit, i hadn’t seen that before <dckc>I'm not so much interested in symbol properties as just scheme data structures that are used for stuff like the result of parsing a JSON object <dthompson>an alist is the most convenient thing for this <dpk>oh, there’s a quasi-standard representation of JSON in Scheme <dpk>it’s used by pretty much every Scheme JSON implementation by default, although don’t ask me what those are :D <dckc>json-null? ... sigh... scheme is stuck in emacs style pfx-blort where you have to prefix every identifier with your initials (ok, project name). Any critical mass on modules isn't likely to ever emerge.