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<RussetParrotBear>I love how the Spritely scheme primer is all like "okay, you've finished half of this paper, you can stop now, you're good to go. But also, you're welcome to keep reading the other half." <robin>hah, i've had "the art of the propagator" by radul & sussman in my papers archive since 2014; probably never got round to reading it in detail <robin>lots of kiselyov to read too, pondering how delimited control operators could be better-supported in wasm <robin>(and naturally a massive pile of papers on method dispatch, which goblins workers ought to be picking apart carefully, but i suspect goblins ideas are too "set" by now to permit much flexibility in that area...) <robin>(i rather suspect dthompson has already forgotten about a *particularly* important paper by an old colleague of mine that we talked about) <robin>(or that i talked about, anyway ;)) <robin>delimited control will probably be controversial in wasm-land, maybe i should start with something "simple" like floating-point flags instead