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<dckc>guix systems are portable vats? ... Next comes the moment of truth: will it boot in P?
<dckc>ICFP... cool!
<jfred>dckc: aha, looking at the title of that thread - I'd love to see guix with ocaps all the way down :P
<jfred>(...I say, as I continue to have trouble getting guix stuff to run on my aarch64 laptops...)
<dckc>jfred you're aware that Spritely got funding to mix goblins into shepherd? (the init system for guix)
<dckc>which aarch64? ah... MNT Reform. I've been _very_ tempted to get one of those... but I'm afraid I can't afford yet another project
<jfred>dckc: yup! I'm excited to see what comes out of that
<jfred>and yeah, MNT Reform and more recently Pocket Reform
<jfred>they're very nice, but the lack of guix substitute availability on aarch64 has been messing with my plans haha
<jfred>if you want something that feels more like a typical laptop you may want to wait for the Reform Next anyway