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<dckc>ok... so... where was that promise combinator library stuff? let's see... <dckc>(display 1) in the REPL doesn't seem to add a newline. boring. what's the right widget to get a newline? <dckc>hi dpk... have we met? I'm struggling to recall <dckc>`(newline 1)` went kerflewey. I want an x such that (x "a" 2) prints a and 2 and makes a newline. I want JS console.log <dpk>(display 1) (newline) <dckc>IOW: build your own. boring. oh well. <dpk>uhh, that isn’t a standard thing but if you’re in Guile i think there is a thing for it <dpk>ACTION reads the docs <dckc>console.log also isn't part of the JS std lib, but it's ubiquitous. <dckc>did you go by dpk in swhack venues? <dckc>also, (define-values decisionP decide (spawn-promise-values)) is evidently not right. How do I find the right incantation? web searches are not helping <dckc>where are docs on spawn-promise-values? I saw them a while ago <dpk>assuming decisionP and decide are the names you want to bind, they need to be in parentheses: (define-values (decisionP decide) (spawn-promise-values)) <dckc>ok, thanks for the fish. now... how do I fish? <dpk>(reason for this: you can use e.g. (define-values x (values 1 2 3)) to convert multiple values into a list, or even (define (x . y) (values 1 2 3)) to convert rest values) <dckc>when the REPL spits out umpteen lines that amount to "BZZT", is there a geiser thing to navigate to where-did-I-screw-up? <dckc>it's ctrl-click on escrow2013.scm:45:22 in vs-code <dckc>oooh!!! I have made fire! <dckc>;;; compiled /home/connolly/.cache/guile/ccache/3.0-LE-8-4.6/home/connolly/projects/agoric-sdk/packages/zoe/spec/escrow2013.scm.go <dckc>so I want to save my work, but this emacs doesn't have magit. How do I add magit to a running emacs in the guix way? <dpk>dckc: according to log grep, we met briefly in Swhack in 2013 and not since, heh