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<dckc>how do I find where a cut function comes from? <dckc>we found it in (srfi srfi-26), but it was _not_ a straight path to get there <dthompson>oh! the cut macro. yes, that's srfi-26. those docs make an assumption that you just know what it is, but lots of people don't. <dthompson>those docs should include the import for srfi-26 or something <dckc>geiser-eval-definition... <dckc>hm. repl is in the wrong dir. how to fix? let's see... <dckc>scheme@(guile-user)> (chdir "packages") <dckc>scheme@(guile-user)> (chdir "zoe/spec") <dckc>`guix shell emacs emacs-geiser-guile` certainly is a concise way to get going. thanks again, dthompson !