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<daviwil>An XMPP net layer would be really interesting <flatwhatson>i'd like to add LoRaWAN mesh to the netlayer wishlist please <Gooberpatrol66>what's the most comprehensive document on how to write a netlayer <jfred>flatwhatson: That also sounds super fun haha <jfred>I've been wanting to do some LoRa stuff lately <jfred>Actually now I'm wondering if it'd also make sense to have Reticulum as a netlayer in addition to LoRaWAN. That also runs on top of LoRa but seems maybe less centralized? (Admittedly I also don't know that much about LoRaWAN) <jackhill>I thought LoRa has some freedom problem, but I can't remember if they were patent, or maybe just secret protocol problems, or if there exists a free modem. Whish I could find out. <jackhill>s/find out/remember or confirm for sure/