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<haugh>Are IO actors the only goblins objects which are not persistence aware? <tsyesika>haugh: They are the only actors in actor-lib which are not persistence aware, in goblins though there are others such as the netlayers and mycapn which are not persistence aware (yet) <tsyesika>Oh and selfish-spawn also doesn't currently work with persistence, though there is a workaround if you need to do a selfish spawn like thing <msavoritias>hey o/ are there plans for any kind of Web of Trust like this or psyc social by secushare? <msavoritias>interested because I want to integrate it into my library. and the secushare/gnunet social layer is still a dream it seems <parnikkapore_x>AFAICT it's a "not anytime soon", although the actual Spritely crew might have better answers for this <dthompson>parnikkapore_x: msavoritias: yeah there's nothing planned about this right now. at least not short term. <parnikkapore_x>the ocap-pub writeup mentioned "less contact cost for people I follow", but the propagating behavior of wot is not there <msavoritias>dthompson ah makes sense with all the work happening <msavoritias>will read the ocap-pub. my main thinking was if there is something that fits my vision i would reuse it <msavoritias>but i am not avoiding writing a spec and an implementation it seems :D