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<old>theruran: I read a post from cwebber, but I'm interested in more details and theory of this model
<cwebber>Hey this is really cool theruran
<cwebber>I long have wanted to make a propagators visual programming language and here somebody did it!
<cwebber>old: the best resource is Alexey's dissertation
<old>cwebber: thx
<old>cwebber: AH. I remember reading about this in Software Design For Flexibility
<old>Merging of cell states nad propagatins stuffs
<old>I'm trying to compiling the following test:
<old>with this in repl: (define wat (wasm->wat (compile (call-with-input-file "test.scm" read))))
<old>However, I get: test.scm:4:2: definition in expression context, where definitions are not allowed, in form (define foo 42)
<old>What am I getting wrong here?
<dthompson>old: the problem there is you're trying to compile a module, not a program
<old>So it is not possible to do modular program or libraries yet?
<old>I don't fully understand. There is examples/project-template/hello/{document,element}.scm that seems to be module
<dthompson>old: modules are imported into a larger program and it is the whole program that is compiled
<dthompson>hoot is a whole-program compiler
<old>ah okay. So I just need to compile the entrypoint then
<dthompson>yes, a program that imports that module and does something with one of its exports
<old>So in the template example, the program hello use two user defined module and just add a text node
<old>no need for a main procedure as an entry point
<old>the script itself is the entry point if I understand
<dthompson>that's right
<dthompson>np! takes a little getting used to
<old>Is it possible to have the name of procedures in the resulting .wat? I've tried #:emit-names #t while compiling without much success
<old>maybe my functions were inline
<dthompson>not currently possible but it would be nice
<old>yes. It would help me understand better what is the instructions generated for a given lambda
<dthompson>#:emit-names will generate a name section that chrome is good at using when showing disassembled wasm
<old>I'm still on the exploration path here
<dthompson>however the compiler is generating many names
<dthompson>so you'll see good names for things in our stdlib which is handwritten wat, but all the compiler generated wasm functions have names like f1234
<dthompson>the hoot wasm->wat disassembler doesn't currently incorporate the original names via the name section (when present) but I have a branch that is attempting to do this
<dthompson>not ready yet
<old>it is possible to compile to .wat directly then and keep the name?
<old>or that's just not how it works
<dthompson>if you hand-write wat and assemble it via wat->wasm and emit names then you'll have the names
<dthompson>but if you're talking from scheme then no because many things have names generated by the compiler and they do not currently reflect the names in the original scheme source
<old>okay. but that defies my purpose of understanding the instructions used for a given lambda :/
<old>okay I see
<old>like all these $wtf. Is that just accidental?
<dthompson>no $wtf8 is a type name
<old>ahh I see that with the ->wtf8
<dthompson>I've done my fair share of debugging these binaries, and currently the best way to match up a wasm function to scheme source code is to run 'guild compile-wasm' with the --dump-cps flag. the dumped cps info has source locations and you can use that to find the relevant wasm function based on the cps continuation id.
<dthompson>what we really want are source maps
<old>I see!
<old>that would be nice indeed
<old>compilation seems to work nice fine. But if I try to import something I get: unbound top-level #("test.scm" 0 0) import
<dthompson>the 'import' form must be the first expression
<old>it is:
<old>I'm not sure if maybe my guile is misconfigured here
<dthompson>how are you compiling?
<dthompson>if you're using 'compile' at the repl then the modules to be imported are passed as a separate keyword arg, not as part of the program
<old>((@ (hoot compile) compile) (call-with-input-file "test.scm" read))
<old>with #:include-file ?
<old>ah no #:imports okay
<old>that's kind of limiting no? Having to conses the imports manually
<old>anyway, good work I like it :-)