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<tonyg>hey cwebber it just occurred to me to thank you (again?) for switching canonical-order of terms to encoded byte strings rather than preserves-order. it's a good simplification <tonyg>it means you can get canonical terms without having to fiddle around with floating-point total ordering etc :-) <dthompson>the first artifact of goblins + hoot, showing off some core goblins features. <civodul>dthompson: d’oh! just played (in LibreWolf), it’s amazing! <civodul>now i’m stuck in a room with a sleeping devil <old>dthompson: was all of this written in hoot? <old>I don't see where goblin come into this? <dthompson>goblins is used to model the game objects and their interactions <dthompson>it's not all of goblins, though. far from it. just the very core part that we've been able to port to hoot so far. <dthompson>but the game is showing actors and rollback working. two of the most important parts. <dthompson>imagine what we can do once we have goblins with no compromises 😈 <cwebber>and if you're looking for more to read <cwebber>wingo has had some lovely blogposts about Hoot recently <old> dthompson: I'm not sure to follow why goblin is useful for a single player game. I though it was for distributed stuff? Maybe I've misunderstood gobling entirely <old>cwebber: Thanks, I like reading wingo <ekaitz>cwebber: i need to share some thoughts about wingo 's articles: he is so smart and knows that much that is really hard to follow <ekaitz>superinteresting, but also "omg, i'm probably losing the 70% of the content" <theruran>ekaitz: the whippet GC post read like it was for other GC implementers, and I had some trouble following. The Wasm posts have been really great, but I've had to supplement by reading all the Wasm posts and extra material elsewhere like the Wasm spec. <ekaitz>i watched the whippet talk also and I think I understood better <ekaitz>but... omg! this is cool and hard! <theruran>"compilation is just a graph" "gc is just a graph" ohhhh <old>ekaitz: I've only had difficulty reading the on-hoot-on-boot because I don't get the pun joke in english I suppose <old>It is easier to follow the posts with VM and GC knowledge I think <cwebber>old: it's powerful for distributed programs for sure <cwebber>And indeed, the undo feature in Cirkoban is implemented on top of that feature exactly <cwebber>No special game logic needs to be added to support time travel, just wiring it up to the UI <cwebber>Obviously the superpowers of Goblins is distributed programming, but it turns out to be really cool even for single process programs