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<jfred>Participating in the game jam this year has given me a renewed appreciation for all the work that goes into making games ^^; <jfred>But also that template repo made it way more approachable! <jfred>I do get the feeling that this is the kind of thing that gets a lot easier with practice too <dthompson>jfred: it does! I tried and failed many many jams before I ever submitted something to one <jfred>I definitely appreciated that this one was longer than just a weekend. Definitely didn't have anything at all by the end of the first weekend (especially since I was helping my friend move this time haha) <jfred>still all I have is (buggy) character movement and projectile firing but if I can manage to add some basic health tracking today I might have something partly playable XD <old>dthompson: thanks. And how does sandboxing works? Maybe this question is more related to WASM than hoot itself. Sorry about that, but I don't really get how one could sandbox a plugin in WASM for example