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<cwebber>How is #spritely this fine morning?
<parnikkapore_x>eepy but well
<cwebber>dthompson: I hear the Hoot team made a benchmark milestone this morning, where are we at? ;)
<daviwil>dthompson: The catboss needs a status report!
<dthompson>yes, we can now run every r7rs benchmark!
<dthompson>though there's 1 that runs too slowly to finish with the default timeout
<daviwil>That's awesome news
<dthompson>hoot 0.4.1 is shaping up to be really good. so many bugs have been fixed, including several tricky compiler bugs.
<parnikkapore_x>that's great to hear!
<cwebber>organizational changes happening at the org
<cwebber>notably one thing is that I'm now Executive Director and dthompson is our new CTO! randy__ is transitioning out of the role of Executive Director but will remain as a consultant and will forever, forever co-founder of this organization with me, to which I am incredibly grateful :)
<cwebber>tsyesika is also now formally recognized as Founding Technologist and informally recognized as Enchantress of the Goblin Realm ;)
<daviwil>Congrats to all!
<cwebber>thanks daviwil!
<dthompson>yeah thanks daviwil!