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<shapr>hello again, is there a write up of the status of spritely? <shapr>I know guile and racket were supported, but I think it's only one now? <dthompson>shapr: there are both guile and racket versions of goblins, our distributed programming system. guile is the main implementation with the most bells and whistles. <dthompson>as the ocapn protocol evolves we make sure to keep racket goblins compatible with guile goblins <bremner>is there (somewhere) a racket->wasm project? <cwebber>bremner: there was a talk at racketcon but iirc dthompson said, I think, that it was fairly experimental and was mostly a compiling the whole project via emscripten type approach <bremner>right, that fits my vague recollections. Thanks. <dthompson>hoot is indirectly mentioned in the q&a or something, so they're aware of it