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<msavoritias>hey. Is it possible to have the payload of goblins be basically xmpp(xml)? I saw there was a tutorial for a chat application but it just passed strings around and xmpp does quite a bit more than that <msavoritias>specifically i want to add capabilities to xmpp and have the trasport be gnunet and the discovery be gns <msavoritias>with a pet name system based on DIDs. since it seems that is the the most developed standard (and gns has a plugin) <cwebber>msavoritias: it could be possible to build a goblins OCapN netlayer that's XMPP based but that's not the same as what you're asking <cwebber>It could also be possible to build a network perimeter to goblins that's more XMPP oriented up front but ATM that's a big undertaking <msavoritias>cwebber: right because xmpp is protocol. but yeah that doesnt really solve that i would like to use transports with xmpp. like cadet or tor or whatever. xmpp is unequiped for that stuff <msavoritias>what do you mean by the second part? that it could be made easier to implement an xmpp application by having goblings have more xmpp schemantics? <msavoritias>my approach currently is to implement gnunet as a netlayer. i know there is already a scheme gnunet reimplementation so that would be were my efforts would go <msavoritias>but both of the things you said does soound interesting. and i expect the second one i would be in a good place to do something about it once i starting writing the guile code for my app :D <sneek>Yey! Zarutian_iPad is back :D