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<randy__>Release will be tomorrow
<ieugen>woot woot
<jfred>I ran across this post today and thought some here might enjoy it:
<jfred>In particular this part feels like it jives with what Spritely is going for:
<jfred>> Imagine a cybersecurity program with the goal of relieving the rest of the organization from anxiety about security… cybersecurity that promotes convenience and puts in the hard work of crafting design-based mitigations.
<jfred>(And the paragraph above that, but was too long to quote it here haha)
<parnikkapore_x>I smell a :)
<jfred>indeed :P
<dthompson>good morning all!
<villageidiot>Morning Mr. Thompson
<dthompson>hello :)
<villageidiot>Actually, dthompson: I feel a bit rude asking here... but I couldn't get your Chickadee "Hello World" example running in a guix shell (see for the error). I hope it's something I've done wrong - if not I can report it at an appropriate place.
<dthompson>villageidiot: happy to talk about chickadee related things in #chickadee or #guile :)
<villageidiot>Gotcha, I'll pop over there, thanks
<dthompson>looks like guile is failing to write to the directory where it stores auto-compiled files though
<dthompson>more of an environment issue than a chickadee one
<dthompson>I'm very happy to announce that Guile Hoot v0.3.0 has been released!
<chitochi>congrats for the new version!
<dthompson>thanks chitochi
<ieugen>I saw hoot 0.3.0 release on website - but no announce on mastodon :)
<ieugen>I'm going to wait a bit until I announce it
<dthompson>ieugen: yeah official spritely post isn't out yet but I've posted on my personal account
<encryptedwhisper>hey folks! i was wondering if i could get a code review and figure out why my little chat app is complaining about "wrong type to apply" and not churning the vat without hitting return to refresh...
<encryptedwhisper>dthompson: christine told me to ping u
<encryptedwhisper>ignore the forge errors they are probably from me updating mastodon(?)
<dthompson>encryptedwhisper: got a backtrace?
<encryptedwhisper>the backtrace was not working :(
<encryptedwhisper>in that it didnt indicate a place in my code
<encryptedwhisper>i blame fibers
<dthompson>well that would be a bug in itself... would like to understand that a bit more because we attempt to provide relevant backtraces with relevant slices of the call stack
<dthompson>but in any case even a bad backtrace could be helpful along with the relevant section of code to look at
<jfred>(also: ooh, a chat app!)
<encryptedwhisper>ok! im away from pc but can provide that in 6hrs or so
<encryptedwhisper>for now i have this:
<encryptedwhisper>Command failed: #<&compound-exception components:
<encryptedwhisper>(#<&assertion-failure> #<&origin origin: #f> #<&message message: "Wrong type to apply: ~S">
<encryptedwhisper>#<&irritants irritants: (#<unspecified>)> #<&exception-with-kind-and-args kind: wrong-type-arg
<encryptedwhisper>args: (#f "Wrong type to apply: ~S" (#<unspecified>) (#<unspecified>))>)>
<encryptedwhisper>Command failed: #<&compound-exception components:
<encryptedwhisper>(#<&assertion-failure> #<&origin origin: #f> #<&message message: "Wrong type to apply: ~S">
<encryptedwhisper>#<&irritants irritants: (#<unspecified>)> #<&exception-with-kind-and-args kind: wrong-type-arg
<encryptedwhisper>args: (#f "Wrong type to apply: ~S" (#<unspecified>) (#<unspecified>))>)>
<Zarutian_iPad>use a pastebin if this error message is longer than that
<encryptedwhisper>sorry! spammed accidentally
<dthompson>no worries :)
<encryptedwhisper>thats all
<dthompson>okay so somewhere the unspecified value is operator position
<dthompson>is in*
<encryptedwhisper>im not sure exactly what that means, though i know "wrong type to apply" often means a stray set of parens
<dthompson>"wrong type to apply" means trying to call something that is not a procedure
<dthompson>and the exception irritants shows that the something in question was #<unspecified>
<dthompson>which is like the equivalent of undefined in javascript
<dthompson>ACTION works on getting r7rs benchmarks running with hoot
<encryptedwhisper>mmm i figured as much... very mysterious
<encryptedwhisper>ACTION looks over the code again...
<encryptedwhisper>i think the best approach is to binary search for it by deleting bits of code along the execution patg
<dthompson>encryptedwhisper: yeah that should help get you close to the problem