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<tonyg>mala: multiaddr looks interesting, thanks for the link. <ieugen>I am most likely going to go to FOSDEM this year. would like to meet some of you there. <dthompson>ieugen: a subset of the spritely team will be at fosdem *and* guix days <dthompson>cwebber and robin both got talks accepted to the devroom you linked above <ieugen>thanks and congrats on your talk. I hope to meet some of you in person. it's been 10 years sine my last FOSDEM <dthompson>I've never been and won't be there this year, but do say hi to the spritely folks that are there! <dthompson>I hear devrooms fill up *very fast* so make a plan to get to the room early <dpk>FOSDEM is definitely out of the question for me this year :-( <cwebber>too bad dpk, hopefully another time! <dpk>i hoped so, but this year has started considerably shittier for me than i hoped it would <dpk>so that’s a bit touch and go as well <dpk>we’ll see if it works out <dthompson>(spritely likely won't be at ELS, I was just joking around) <dpk>the plan is that i will present the Scheme progress report at ICFP in Milan as well, but might have to do that virtually as well. sigh